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Hello all!

Little oopsie with this battle map--I accidentally used the same settings from the Ravenloft Catacombs map and did not realize it until I was basically finished. SO what that means is that this battle map is actually 19x15 inches as opposed to the standard 8.5x11! 

However, the grid is already set to one inch margins, so it is not necessary to double its size when printing either, so essentially its like my normal maps, but at double the normal resolution! I totally goofed, not sure if it's due to lack of sleep or what. Hopefully you all don't mind too much.

In any case, here's a fun waterfall campsite that should give you a decent inkling of what I'm planning on including in the upcoming Rivers Assets Pack. I've also made a nighttime version of this map, because how often do you camp out in the daytime?

Enjoy! Thank you all for your support!




A really great job