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Hey all!

Though these River assets likely won't come out till March, I wanted to give you a view of what I was thinking so far. Unlike previous asset packs, most of the assets here will end up being too large to easily display in one image, so this is just an overview.

What I'm planning on including:

- Water textures of all varieties (skinny and wide rivers, creeks, just one big water texture, shorelines, etc.)

- A couple of small 'islands'

- Rocks and other floating natural debris

- Several different bridges

- A few boats and/or canoes

What am I missing here??




I can't wait for the riviers! It was the only think I need as an addition to the Forest Asset pack! Keep up the great work


perhaps a boathouse or dock?


Oh, and waterfall+cliffs that can fit into the river?

Samuel Ziterman

Nice one that's a great idea. I agree with Alex, maybe à little wood pontoon.


Waterfalls and cliffs would be super helpful for my campaign!


Waterfall is a great idea! I’ll see what I can do about working in cliffs this time

Derek Burge

Looks excellent!


Looks really good. About the only thing I'd suggest is a small dock. Srry didn't see it'd already been suggested. lol