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Hey all!

For a while now I have been brainstorming and trying to work out an effective way to help keep all of you updated periodically. Those of you who use Patreon frequently may have no trouble keeping up with my posts, but those of you who don't, are too busy to, or have edited your email preferences have expressed difficulty at keeping up with what gets made and released month-to-month.

In an attempt to help alleviate this, I am starting a monthly newsletter! It will be sent to the address you use for your patreon account and is totally put together by just me. I'll be using a popular emailing service called 'MailChimp', however I've never really had to do something like this before, so if you have any criticisms or suggestions for ways I could make it better, I would sincerely love to hear them!

The first one for the November recap will be sent out later today and will include summaries of all the maps released this month, other non-standard content (like asset packs), as well as things to look forward to in December. 

Lastly, I truly hope this isn't an annoyance to anyone. I have no intention on sending these out more frequently than once a month, and to my understanding there should be an easy 'unsubscribe' option just like there is for any other email we receive. 

I hope it's useful! 




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