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Hey all! Looking to plan some more town/city encounter maps for the near future and wanted to know which would be of most interest to all of you. Please vote for your favorite(s)! Comment below if you've got any additional ideas you'd like to add to the mix!


Derek Burge

Oh man! So many good choices!


Expanding on the marketplace skirmish one, a map with a street with stores to either side would be great. So you can see the interior of the stores (herbalist, weapon shop, tailor, whatever), and characters can dart in and out of different stores during battle.


There just ins't a ton of urban stuff around and right now I need that! I really hope we get the top three, Warehouse, Marketplace and Alley. Love the work!


When I think of an awesome marketplace, I think of Hieraphont Square in Novigrad from Witcher 3. Arcade, carts, a tavern, some fancy houses along the side.