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Here it is! Our final map for September coming in for the Storm King's Thunder module--a map (multiple maps?) of the dwarven stronghold, Citadel Adbar. Due to the complicated nature of the Citadel (two above-ground towers, with an entire city dwelling underneath it) I felt that it deserved multiple views and break-downs in order to try and provide a full picture of the city. Hence maps from the outside looking down on the towers or from the side, a gate view as players approach, a layout of the levels of both towers, and a full map of the city below the towers (as I have imagined it). 

As usual, you can find variations of this map in the pack below, as well as an isolation of the city map for easier reference (7pt font for those labels!). 

Lastly, looking for some additional context or inspiration for the citadel outside of what's provided in the module? Check out this entry on the citadel from OakthroneWiki as well as this illustration by Steve Hamaker. Additionally, the Citadel is a semi-prominent location during the beginning of season 2 of Dice, Camera, Action if you'd like to see how a DM might describe or guide a party through the location.





Forgot to mention--that diamond shape with the four circles on its points in the tower layout is intended to be a lift that goes between all of the floors of each tower. Is it powered by magic or by mechanics? Up to you!

Tyler Moore

Absolutely love these SKT maps, I'm just about to end Chapter 1 with my current group and I can't wait to use these!