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Hello all! 

Seeing as how we're now into the 6th month of the Patreon's existence, I thought that might call for a little clarification of where everyone stands in regards to preferred content. We had this poll back at the very beginning of the launch, but as you might imagine there are many more new and different people here now than when that original poll was put up.

For right now I am only looking for a little further direction in regards to what kind of maps you all need the most. I believe the options here are pretty self-explanatory,  but most of them have examples in my already posted images if you need something to reference. Please vote for the kind of maps that you prefer seeing and would like to have more of below:


Eric Jwo

I voted for Battle Maps, but i also wanted to mention that I'd love battle maps with interesting tactical features such as height differences.


Agreed, 3-dimensionnal battle map, with elevations and such, would be very interesting!


If I can go even more specific, SKT Battle maps!


Good to know! For clarity's sake, is something like the recent Iymrith's Lair map hitting the mark there? Or are you thinking of something different?

Eric Jwo

Lymrith's Lair is definitely in the direction that I'm talking about. I wish I had it when I ran a coliseum battle a few weeks ago. It definitely seems like you approach your maps organically, favoring more natural and realistic layouts. Have you tried doing one where you start with the structure? For example, just designing a 3d type map out of blocks like with lego or in minecraft in order to come up with interesting tactical scenarios. Then overlaying the detail on top. Something like a multi-tiered building with a central open courtyard, where balconies can be used to draw sightlines between different elevations would be interesting.


I liked the assets, more of those please!