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Hey everyone!

For those of you who have been around since the beginning, you may know that the end of August will mark six months since I started Venatus Maps. I'm proud of your support here, the work I've created, and the growth that's happened along the way.

As a sort of celebratory thank you I've decided to host a Map Giveaway! The rules are pretty simple and outlined in the announcement image, but each entry stacks across platforms, so I'm gonna help you all 'cheat' a little and link them all here to make it easy (just make sure you're also a follower). 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/VenatusMaps/status/897464826896711681

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VenatusMaps/photos/a.1939206172977349.1073741829.1934056923492274/1995908973973735/?type=3&theater 

Tumblr: https://venatusmaps.tumblr.com/post/164215241647/hello-all-so-the-end-of-august-is-going-to-mark

 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/BX0Wezngy-s/?taken-by=venatusmaps

Winner #1 - Custom Battle Map

Winner #2 - Custom Town Map

Winner #3 - Custom Building Map

Winners will be announced at the beginning of September once I've received confirmation from all of them. May the odds be ever in your favor!



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