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Alright folks! It’s that time again. Time for me to ask you the hard hitting questions lol 

What is the most important thing to you when it comes to a relationship? Basically, what makes a relationship strong and healthy — for you? I think it’s a combination of all of these, but one sticks out to me the most. So answer what you’d like to be the most prevalent in your relationship. 



What we have here is the 12 pillars of a healthy relationship but if you hold a gun to my head and I had to pick one it would be trust P.S. The unofficial 13th pillar nap is also much appreciated.


Imo communication is the most important

Thomas Herrera

Patience is my number one choice, with affection as number too. Also, Mia should take a nap. If you can nap, nap.


All of these are important points for a healthy relationship but I think Mia should take a nap is #1😂😂

Mia Girlfriend Audio

Lol! I think pillar 13 is most important to me at this moment 😂 but I think communication is key. But I agree, each one is important.

Mia Girlfriend Audio

Oh patience is such a good second runner up for me. I think communication is super important. For me that’s what I’d want more of. Although, probably more naps. 😂


That’s true cause you can’t build trust without communication 🤯


Tricky, but I would say Trust, Communication, Patience, and love are the highest for me. I do love humor and willing to compromise too

Mia Girlfriend Audio

Yeah those 4 are super important for me too. I think all of these are important in some capacity. Like it’s very fluid in my mind. One day it’s trust, the next week it’s more humor. Etc.