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Hi there!

I am playing with the idea of opening a discord server. Thoughts? Opinions?

Thank you all, as always. ☺️ 💋


Finn Takami

you should definitely start a discord

Mia Girlfriend Audio

I have a skeleton server ready. But I’m nervous about how I’ll manage to monitor it with everything else I have going on. 🥺

Finn Takami

oh hun if you need help with managing it, i’ll be happy to help you. i have a discord server of my own so i can help you if you want ☺️

Mia Girlfriend Audio

That’s so kind of you! I couldn’t ask that of someone though. I may just want to give it a go. ☺️ And if it gets to be too much, I can always pause it or something.

Finn Takami

great! i’m excited to be apart of your discord server and yes it gets too much you can always take a step back for however long you need