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The next video is going to be even later, whoops.

I recorded large portions of it and last night I was analyzing it and decided that a slightly different format would make it a much better video. So I'm restarting.

Sorry videos have been slower lately. I have a lot of thoughts behind why this has been happening, but mostly I just want to keep you all in the loop and tell you that I am indeed working on it and actively trying to make videos still.

The next video is for complete beginners. The idea is that the Minecraft videos introduced a lot of new subscribers who don't know much about Blender. Beginner videos tend to do well on YouTube anyway, but I feel like I'm at a point where there is more potential than ever before. I'm trying to be careful with how I handle them, with hopes that they could be the go-to beginner videos for a lot of people for a few years.

I'm sure this is disappointing to a lot of my subscribers who are used to seeing bleeding edge geometry node videos. Just know that I'm not planning on making beginner content exclusively. If you check my upload history, I just occasionally spend time going in different directions. I hope you all understand.

Just know that I'll never put pressure on people who decide they don't want to support me financially. You can come and go from Patreon and I won't hold it against you.

Any support you've given is greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Wes Smith

Keep rockin…I’ll send your beginner content to others trying to get started. 👍🏼

Georg Mohr

I like to support you because you supported my first steps in blender by sharing your knowledge. And I want to give back something even if it could not be useful to me but to others because you’re a good teacher and always come up with nice content.