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This month's donation is $60 to Evergreen Action again.

August was a pretty big month for me! I released the first version of Scribble Gen and it went way better than I was expecting, and my cobweb video helped it out a lot too. Thank you to all the new patrons who showed up as a result, I appreciate you.

If my income from all these things stays up consistently, then I'll start making larger donations. I am buying some new equipment for recording that I have been putting off because I'm a frugal cheapskate, but this month's boost has convinced me to do it. My sick cat has been doing better, but appointments can be expensive, so I still have to be careful with my expenses

I have a few videos planned, but as usual, I am not posting a video on the last Wednesday of the month (you'll get it early obviously). Also, CG Matter reached out to me about making a video for his channel in September, so keep an eye open for that.

Thanks again, everyone!



You are a spectacular creator. Keep it up! Much love.