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This month I donated $60 of my Patreon earning to Evergreen Action, you can click that to find out more about what they do. Thanks for the support, otherwise I wouldn't be able to make donations like this. I also called by governors office today for the first time to support a climate bill in Massachusetts where I live. It was pretty easy, I just prepared a few sentences of what I wanted to say, then left a message.

Youtube Plans

So, I gave stream editing a shot, I'm sure you all noticed the videos. Some of them performed well on TikTok and Reddit, but they didn't seem to do well on YouTube or even change the level of traffic I get there, so I'm not planning on editing them anymore. It's a lot of extra work for me to edit them, and I could be putting that effort towards new content instead of recycled content.

In July I ended up working on a lot of sponsored video, some of which didn't make the cut. It was pretty stressful working on other people's time and getting their approval. I actually reached out to one of the sponsors to tell them I wasn't going to work with them after initially agreeing to. In the future I'm going to allow fewer sponsored videos and be a lot more particular about what I agree to.

I've been experimenting with new video formats, titles, and thumbnails. And I've been trying to set more time aside for planning. I'm still planning on releasing a video and streaming each week except for the last week of the month. Next month, I want to put a lot of work into new product ideas I have, so expect to see more of that.

I'm also planning on editing the patron tiers a little bit. One of the product ideas I have might be a bigger project that I'd like to charge more for, so I was thinking of changing the $10 tier to give discount coupons instead of making everything 100% off. maybe like $10 - $15 off of everything so that everything is free except for things more expensive than that. I'm still working on it.


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