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So, right now I'm working on remaking my "Easy Characters with the Skin Modifier" video, to answer questions people had in the comments. It's been almost a year since I made the first one, and to my surprise, it is my most popular video by far. Honestly, it's the reason my YouTube channel grew as much as it did. I'm planning on releasing it on Tuesday, as long as it is finished in time.

After that I am planning on doing a lot of character sketches, and doing more step-by-step character modeling videos. I've been wanting to get into the Halloween spirit this year, so I have a list of spooky themed characters going. I toyed around with the idea of making a simple scene first, like a graveyard, some grass, some tombstones, and then each video after that will be making something to place in the scene. It seems like people don't like multipart videos, so this idea would be allow each video to be watched in isolation and still work fine, but when following all of them, you would end up with a complex scene.
I don't know if I'll have time to do all this, but It's a fun idea.

My current realistic goal is to release 1 video each week, but I'm shooting for 2 for the month of October. Wish me luck!
As always, I'm open to comments and suggestions, and I'll try to keep doing update posts like this for Patreon. I know we are a small group right now, but I consider this Patreon launch to be a a successful one. Your support is really appreciated.



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