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WHERE THE FORK DID 2023 GO?! Did someone hide it and forget where they put it? It sure feels like it.

Magnificent friends. How the hell are you doing? I hope you are all thriving, but if your answer is 'surviving', that's totally fine -- I am so happy that you are here. 💖

Normally I do this whole long rambling about what the upcoming month is going to be like, but honestly it feels like the new year has left me with a blank mind. That may not be a bad thing, though. It means there are so many new opportunities and ideas that can fill my brain instead, and that basically is what I think my 'theme' of this year will be: New Opportunities & Ideas.

Obviously you may already be inundated with all those shaming-but-poorly-veiled-as-inspiration guides on how to make "good" New Year's Resolutions. I'm not about that, because frankly, I don't even know what the hell I'm going to do for dinner later today, let alone what I wanna do for the rest of the year. 

Don't get me wrong - I did still make a very very rough plan for each month this coming year, but I'm not looking at them as goals or anything that I have to achieve in that given month. It's more like what I do with my Maps app: adding bookmarks for "Want To Go" places. So in a way, I guess it's a list of "Want To Do" things that I can use as viewpoints along this metaphorical road trip. If I miss them, it doesn't mean the trip ends, it just means that I will end up having a bit of a different route than planned, and that's okay. Detours happen and will happen (and not just with my train of thought hah). And who knows? Maybe I can still revisit those things at a later time because it's not a linear path, after all.

Enough of my waxing (un?)poetic about Life Plans™ though, because as a real poet said, "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men \ Gang aft a-gley."

✨ January Special Events!

  • Shining Stars Super-Special Hangout!
    10 January 5:00PM GMT (12:00PM EST / 9:00AM PST)
    Sketchbooks! Sneak peeks! Chilli! No wait, chilling.
    Add to calendar!
  • Movie Night!
    🗓  20 January 8:00PM GMT (3:00PM EST / 12:00PM PST)
  • Snack & Sketch!
    🗓  25 January 8:00PM GMT (3:00PM EST / 12:00PM PST)
    Get your snacks (or lunch, or dinner, or brunch) and (digital) pencils and we'll do some colouring and sketching together!

Since it is a new year, a friendly reminder that it's totally okay if you still end up writing 2023 for a few more weeks...or months. But you know what you should make sure to update? Your mailing address if you are on the Prism Pal or Spectral Star tier, so I can send you your goodies!

Here is to another year with you, fantastic friends. 💖