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Expect freezing rain and intermittent storms throughout--

Oh, wrong forecast.

Fantastic friends. I know this is late and I've been relatively quiet, for which I am still extremely sorry. Time just gets away from me, and who the hell knew there'd be so much admin to deal with when moving into a new house?! (Narrator: Everybody. Everybody knew that.) There are still phone calls to be made (because apparently not everybody uses email yet...) and such, but most of the big things have been sorted. Progress!

As I talked to my therapist last week, I realized I've been putting off unpacking the studio/office space because of ~*reasons*~ that are still baffling even to me - because don't get me wrong, I really can't wait to get set up and everything! But I guess in a way, finishing setting up the studio is kind of like the end of this transitional life period that started two years ago when I took the dive into becoming self-employed. And guess who has been trying real hard to avoid thinking about that for some time? Hah.

But it has to get done, and what better way to get it done than to set a deadline? So with that, I would like to cordially invite you, my Shining Stars, to the first ever studio tour! 😱 Since I didn't have a pre-stream hangout in November due to my schedule, I've decided to make this one a big special one! So without further ado...

✨ December Special Events!

  • Shining Stars Super-Special Hangout!
    23 December 6:00PM GMT (1:00PM EST / 10:00AM PST)
    You are cordially invited to a year-end Shining Stars Special! A tour of the new studio space! Paint and chat! Maybe some holiday tunes and trivia?!
    Add to calendar!
  • LOTR Movie Marathon!
    🗓 25 December 2:00PM GMT (9:00AM EST / 6:00AM PST)
    A yearly tradition that I'd like to share with you! And yes, they are extended edition.

For the hangout sessions and movie night, please make sure that your Discord account is connected in Patreon so that you can join in the activities!

Since I've also been having to update my mailing address in all the places, here is another reminder to Prism Pals and Spectral Stars to please check your mailing addresses to make sure they're up to date and correct. That way I can get you your December stickers to you!

Stay warm (or cool), stay safe, stay awesome. 💖





Greys I'm so excited about this, it's so good to have you back after the move. <3 I hope you're settling in okay, friend. <3


Thank you so much!! I'm so excited to be able to come back to all of you again!