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Dear friends. It's getting close to the end of the year, and the end of a big chapter in my life. It's funny that Patreon has this placeholder text: "How's your next thing coming along?"


As you may know, the last month or so has been an absolute gong show for me, what with running back and forth from the city to the area that I'll be moving to, catching trains at ungodly morning hours that normally I would be going to sleep at (LOOK, I'M FIXING IT OKAY), making phone calls and sending emails and generally doing all sorts of life admin things that are...less than fun. But I am so, so relieved -- almost to the point of tears -- that the search for a roof for my belly is finally over.

The actual moving part will be coming up for this month of course, but honestly I feel that part is a lot more procedural and more well-defined, so I'm not nearly as panicked about it. The hard part is over, and thank gawrds because I don't know how much more I could have been able to take lol.

With that said, this month of course will be sparse in terms of online events and streams, but of course I will still have a bunch of posts and such in the meantime -- and maybe even a special sneak peek for you, my Shining Stars, of a new studio space?! It only feels right after all, because you make it possible for me to continue doing this and grow into this profession.

There is one more thing though...which is that I'll be exhibiting at a small art gallery for November/December. This is the first time I've ever done anything like this, and you have no idea how terrified and ecstatic I am. Pretty sure I haven't been able to breathe properly since I got the email. I'll share more details later (without doxxing myself), since I'm actually going to deliver the pieces tomorrow. Regardless, this is only thanks to the support of you all and so many individuals who give me the confidence and encouragement to take these steps, so once again, thank you eternally.

And since it feels a bit weird ending this "forecast" with basically no forecast, I feel like I should at least add some art. Nothing new, unfortunately, but here's an old painting from my uni days.

Take care of yourselves, friends. 💖



Fearfully exciting times! But oh how great it will feel after stretching the life experiences and doing that life yoga 😌. Feeling grateful to share in all the updates. Lifting you up in thoughts and love. Already looking forward to future adventure updates 💫


Change is hard, but few things good for you are any easier. We're all cheering for you, and I for one can't wait to see what comes from the Greys on the other end of all of this. You got this!!