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Friends. Writing the title was a 😱-and-a-half moment. As in, the second half of the year?! Whoa. Just...whoa. I do have to be grateful for it not being so hot this summer (yet -- knock on wood) but I know that so many of you are in areas that have been having really inclement weather, so it still sucks. Hopefully you're all taking care though, especially for those of you in those areas with wild weather.

I know that I promised a long-winded rambling post about all my Thoughts about being self-employed two years on, but I have yet to actually have time to sit down and do that. Maybe it will be a blog post or something later on, or maybe even something else. Either way, I don't wanna bore you all with ramblings anyway soooo... How about some art instead?! And some upcoming events for this month!

⬆️ Gouache landscape study, mostly done on stream.

✨ August Special Events!

  • Shining Stars Special Hangout!
    8 August 5:00PM BST (12:00PM EDT / 9:00AM PDT)
    What was that sekrit quick poll about?! 👀
    Add to calendar!
  • Movie Night!
    🗓 12 August 10:00PM BST (7:00PM EDT / 4:00PM PDT)
  • Special CollaB7 Stream!
    19 August 7:00PM BST (2:00PM EDT / 11:00AM PDT)
    Join me and the hilarious BadB7 for some shenanigans--and ART?! I mean, we'll see how much art we can get through amidst the giggles lol.

For the hangout sessions and movie night, please make sure that your Discord account is connected in Patreon so that you can join in the activities!

Also as a heads up, I will be going on holiday for the last couple weeks in September. I'll make sure to send out the physical rewards and get some posts scheduled for while I'm away though, so never fear, I won't leave you hanging! (Or should I say, you can't get rid of me that easily? LOL). And who knows, maybe I'll share some stuff while travelling with you lovely Patrons? 👀

As always, please take care of yourselves, keep hydrated, and remember that you don't need to earn your rest--you have an intrinsic right to it. 💖


Lil Comet

Um excuse me… this is fucking stunning!!!