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Holy crapoly, friends.

With this post, it has been a whole entire year since I started this Patreon. I mean, that's also including the several months of the MegaDepresso™ in early summer last year. BUT if we ignore that, I guess it's actually the 1 year anniversary since I started this thing?! I cannot thank you all enough for believing in me and helping me to truly fulfill my silly childhood dreams of becoming a Real Artiste™.

⬆️ Gouache study of a still from Ponyo that I did on stream a while ago! May or may not be a hint at this month's theme for physical rewards... 👀

When I started this Patreon, I legitimately had no idea what direction it would take or how I wanted to integrate it with my creative endeavours, but mostly, how I would provide the most value to all of you, my wonderful Shining Star Patrons. I hummed and hawed over the tiers for so long, I anxiety-panicked about the perks and rewards, and I almost backtracked completely many times due to the self-critical voice in my head telling me it was a stupid idea to begin with and that nobody would sign up anyway and that I was wasting my time and blarghitty-blarghy-blargh.

Just goes to remind me (and you all!) that the critical voices in our heads are wrong most of the time. Loud, but wrong.

Anyway, I know you're all probably not really keen on my ramblings just yet so here's a few things happening this month! (I finally fixed the titles for these posts lol).

  • Art Night DanisaurCollab!
    📅 5 Feb 5:00PM UTC (12:00PM EST / 9:00AM PST)
    I am absolutely honoured to bits to have been invited to the inspirational and spectacular Danielle Allard's Sunday Art Night stream! Join us for songs and sketching! (Songs will be provided by Dani, so don't worry, your earholes are safe.)
  • Shining Stars Special Hangout!
    8 Feb 5:00PM UTC (12:00PM EST / 9:00AM PST)
    All of you special stars are cordially invited to the first Patrons-Only Pre-Stream Hangout over on the Discord! Let's chat, chill, and maybe I'll show some sneaky old sketchbooks?!
    12 Feb 4:00PM UTC (11:00AM EST / 8:00AM PST)
    You have no idea how chuffed I am to be joining my friend and absolute wonderful human Xan on their channel for our second collaboration stream!! Every fortnight, we will be hopping into each other's streams for a variety of shenanigans and hilarity that you won't wanna miss!
    22 Feb 6:00PM UTC (1:00PM EST / 10:00AM PST)
    Once a month, the magnanimous and extraordinary Xan will be joining my stream and we'll be learning arts together!! Primarily focused around Procreate, but we'll also be going through some other art fundamentals!
  • Patreon Anniversary Celebrations?!
    TBD! Maybe?!

As always, there will be plenty of movie nights and other fun stuff happening, so please make sure that your Discord is linked to your Patreon account so that you get access to the exclusive channels!

You are all wonderful and I wish you all a wonderful February full of the love and appreciation you all deserve. 💖

