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Lovely friends, I wish you all a restful Saturday. Today is also Chuseok / Moon Festival / Mid-Autumn Festival so if you celebrate, I wish you a happy one as well! (FYI those are not oddly-coloured lemons, they are songpyeon, a traditional Korean rice cake!)

I was hoping to get this digitally painted and ready in time to make postcards, but...yeah, I got sidetracked by other things and couldn't finish in time. So here it is finished, but no postcards just yet. Ah well! The original is now with one of my wonderfully amazing Twitch followers to celebrate 400?! 😱 

Tried to stick with the same colour scheme but I'm not sure I am quite as happy with the digital version. Luckily that's relatively easy to change so maybe before I actually send for postcards, they will be fixed. Keep an eye out for that in the shop soon! 😅

Hope you have a wonderful rest of the evening and weekend. If you have a local Korean or Asian supermarket and can find some songpyeon, please give it a try and let me know! 🍡🎑




This is soooo cute Grey!! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to you ♥️🌕

Greys (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-16 14:05:34 Thanks Xeniah!!! Happy Moon Festival! <#
2022-09-11 14:41:55 Thanks Xeniah!!! Happy Moon Festival! <#

Thanks Xeniah!!! Happy Moon Festival! <#