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OH HELLO THERE. What's this?? I'm FINALLY declaring this done and posting it?? Well, I guess it's about time. Or something. I could have noodled on this forever and beyond, but...well, at some point, we must always remember our mantra: Finished is better than perfect.

This was yet another album cover, even though technically the single already has really cool-looking cover-art. Still, I LOVE this song by Natalie Paige, whom you should absolutely check out! Another Twitch musician that I discovered a while back, and boy howdy do I absolutely adore Natalie's voice and style. (Not to mention, her kitty Charlotte, in case you need even more reason to check it out!)

"Fishbowl" is one of my absolute favourite original songs and I felt like I had to make some fan-art for i as a result. It was actually based heavily on a really old ink drawing that I did, but I'll be saving that for the process post that will be available to CMYK Chums, Prism Pals, and Spectral Stars! (hint hint nudge nudge I'm told I should talk about the other perks more or something so here you go. And now I go hide in my shame.)

Take care of yourselves, friends. (And your fish if you have them.) 💖



Phantom Breeze

Just stunning 🤩 NEVER any shame in telling us what additional perks are available. It's easy to forget what tiers have access to what perks and allows people to make sure they're at the right level for them and not missing out on something they'd like because they didn't know. 💖