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Wondrous friends. Even though I no longer have to think about quarters, it still feels like a somewhat significant way of tracking the year. And wow, does it feel like Q1 lasted ages but at the same time went so quickly?! Or maybe it is that time is an illusion...

Anyway, aside from existential thoughts, did you know that there are actually so many interesting astronomical events happening? Not only is there that big total eclipse (which I sadly will not be able to see because I'm in the wrong geographical location 😭), but there is also a huge comet passing by that can be seen with the nekkid eye. So many cool things going on in the galaxy -- and universe!

And even though I honestly had no idea about these beforehand because I actually prepared this month's sticker sheet ahead of time (again!), it seems cosmically coincidental that it's quite on-theme! So here I present to you this month's sticker sheet: Astral Astonishments!

If you would like to get these stickers and a postcard in the mail, please sign up or adjust to the Prism Pals Tier or Spectral Stars Tier time before 15th April!

☄️ April Special Events!

  • Snack & Sketch!
    18 April 8PM GMT (3PM EST / 12PM PST)
    Get your snacks (or lunch, or dinner, or brunch) and (digital) pencils and we'll do some colouring and sketching together!

  • Shining Stars Super-Special Hangout!
    ?? April ??
    I totally flaked and realized I missed scheduling the March hangout and I'm so so sorry for that!! But I will send out a poll shortly for you to select the best time!

That's it for the time being, but I can tell you, May is looking to be a lot more packed... 👀

Hope the April showers don't bring you down too much, friends. 💖
