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Friends, I'm so sorry for the relative quiet for the past while. Fear not though, because the silence wasn't for any negative purpose (mostly), and I was just actually really really busy, and unfortunately not much to show for it -- until now.

I mentioned at our February Discord hangout that I am making my first foray into in-person art events, and this weekend was the very first of hopefully many more to come: a life drawing workshop. 😱 AAAH.

Originally it had been scheduled for a weekday afternoon, but after basically no sign-ups, the host of the event space was kind enough to suggest that it be rescheduled to a weekend because there were people interested, just not able to make it during that time. So we moved it to a Sunday afternoon, and WOWEE what a difference because EIGHT people signed up!

To be clear (as I also tried to reiterate over and over during the session lol), I was mainly facilitating rather than teaching/instructing. Still, I was extremely nervous and anxious that people might find it bland and boring and a waste of their time and money. But to my surprise and utter joy, the overall feedback was that everybody enjoyed it! All the feedback forms came back positive, and only one asked for more individual tuition which I'll take as just being an opportunity for something else. Maybe even actual tuition of some sort?! 😳

Anyway. I wanted to take a photo of the props after I'd set up to commemorate, but of course I totally forgot in my frenzy LOL. So here's a scan of the last 40-minute drawing of mine. I didn't use the full time since I had to do a bit of facilitating and wandering around, but I had a good chunk of time to draw in my toned sketchbook, which apparently I haven't done since 2018. It felt good to be able to do this kind of thing again, even though I am a bit rusty. Ah well, practice!

ANYWAY. All that rambling to say, it's thanks to all you, my ✨ Shining Stars ✨, who give me the support to do something like this. Your belief in my artistic journey, and the fact that you give me confidence in myself to do new and scary things like this -- it is something will be eternally grateful for. 

So thank you for helping to make this silly little ex-engineer's dream come true. And I can only hope that I can help you in return. 💖



Shield Maiden

You did so well!! 🤩