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There are still some struggles left, but both authors are in quite a good mood and state of mind!
We celebrated our 5th birthday. The celebration was quite modest in comparison to previous years, but we are very happy to make it this far

Since the last sneak peek I progressed with all of my commissions much and this made me feel very relieved. I am still to finish them, but that's the easiest part. Moreover, I really enjoy all of them because I got to draw cute stickers, two adorable maned wolves, and a beautiful owl lady

I also have to prepare some YCHes because well, my financial situation is not the best at the moment. I will post them on my FA as soon as I finish the last two

I also have some concerns about my side projects. The first one is... not exactly a "project". It is more of my daily life scribbles, something like these:

I was thinking about cleaning these (and many other) sketches and publishing them on Webtoons. Not on schedule, just after the moment I actually draw them. But I'm not sure if I should post them on Patreon as well

And the next one is a bit more complicated. For the last few years I've been working hard to learn to draw humans

Me and YumiCH created some human characters and they got their own story. 

This is not a project to replace "The Fate!" and I don't work on it often. This one is more of an inspirational thing, so I just make small comics from time to time. I want to put it to a bigger story and I am in the process of writing the script. But until "The Fate!" gets on a stable schedule I won't even dare to try to put this project on a full power

But I have some sketches and thoughts to share on it, so I was wondering if I should do this on Patreon. I guess most of my patrons prefer furries, so I don't want to scare you off with some badly drawn hooomans

For just this once I'm still willing to share some of those hooomans just for you to know what to expect. The next posts will depend on whatever you prefer



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