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This month was quite a difficult one. But it still brought us some good things too

For YumiCH it was extremely stressful because her cat Fanya got sick and it was quite a challenge to find a good vet. Luckily, Fanya is fine now and we all feel relieved

YumiCH also had some difficulties because they have electricity cut off about two or three times a day for about three to five hours. It is really hard for her to work like that

Meanwhile, Airis had her own struggles. Our (I'm doing my best not to curse) government decided that gay people are the worst threat in Russia, so they decided to prohibit any LGBT mentions anywhere. The law is yet to be passed, but I guess you all understand that this is kind of huge trouble for "The Fate!"

I'm angry, disappointed, tired, but I'm not going to leave "The Fate!" anyway. But we will have to leave all Russian-speaking platforms we have and move them somewhere else. And Discord became such a platform. For the most part of this month I was busy setting up our Discord server. Originally we were going to have two servers for two languages. But finally decided to make one with different language zones, so you won't have to deal with Russian language unless you want it

While I was writing this post some of you have already joined, so welcome :D
For those who didn't: https://discord.gg/cPe4Bjgb

Considering you joining via Patreon, you should automatically get "Bronze patron" or "Gold patron" roles. If that doesn't happen, please, let me know, we'll find the problem together.

The server was launched yesterday and we only invited our Dons (Russian-speaking supporters) and Patrons. In a few weeks (either on "The Fate!" birthday on December, 1 or earlier if that law passes) we will officially invite all of our fans from all platforms

And now it's time for some drawings!

Both authors had their birthdays in October (YumiCH - October, 8,  Airis - October, 13), so here are our gifts to each other

And this is a funny real story. One of gifts she got was a moon-like lamp. And she did exactly what Shelby did




oooooo a server! Excited!