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Since the beginning of 2022 I spent less time on illustrations and more time on the comics itself. It worked well and we finally got some early updates, even though the latest events broke my schedule once again.

YumiCH moved to western part of Ukraine. It is safe there and she is fine. Still scared and tired though.

Meanwhile I'm being harassed just for being Russian. It is half not as hard as everything YumiCH has been though, but this really scares me.

PayPal stopped working in Russia, which hurt us both since it never worked in Ukraine so both I and YumiCH were taking commissions through my account. We are looking for other ways, but it is harder and harder every day. In case we lost Payoneer we will lose Patreon with it. This means we will have to put "The Fate!" on hiatus until things come back to normal.

We aren't doing this now, but we are really scared that we will have to. For me personally "The Fate!" is the job of my life and I can't imagine myself without it

And now let's just have some drawings we did since the last sneak peek

We were asked on Webtoons about characters flowers, so some of the drawings were dedicated to this topic

Luka - narcissus, Sheas - snowdrop

Victor - cactus, Shelby - forget-me-not

James - white rose, Lein - wine rose

Luther - chamomile, Catalina - white lily

Silvia - peony, Christine - St. John's wort

And later we got carried away with the topic we were often asked about. We decided to work on the next generation just for fun. This is not actually canon, and we have no idea how two men could have a child but we don't care, we just love these kids

Luka/Sheas - Shen Fiet. He took most from Luka: he is popular with girls, charming, smart and... extremely lazy. He prefers his back sit in class and sleeps most of the lessons. At the same time he gets surprisingly high scores on tests which annoys his rival Sibylla. 

He gets along with both of his parents. Sheas is quite embarrassed with all of his pranks while Luka is proud of them. This actually spoiled Shen a bit. He also learned trolling (especially of his future wife) from Luka and does this good. However he is quite a responsive guy and can support others

Victor/Shelby - Sibylla Ford. A straight-A student, very clever girl and other little Miss Perfect features. She loves both of her parents, but considers Shelby as a soft caring daddy, who will always support and hug her. Victor is her role model so since her childhood Sybilla does everything to impress him. She quickly became mature and thoughtful and spent her middle school abroad. Sibylla is used to being the best and the first everywhere and getting everything she wants. This made her prideful and arrogant. But at the same time she takes any of her mistakes too hard and is always scared to death Victor would be disappointed in her (which actually never happens even though he is a strict father)

James/Lein - Sebastian Fiet. He is as reliable and thoughtful as his father and as sarcastic and charismatic as his mother. He is quite responsible but still quite egoistic and will never do anything he doesn't like. He is very close with Shen, often holds him back the same way James used to hold back Luka. But he also finds Shen's pranks funny the same way Lein felt about Luka

Luther/Catalina - Luna Ford, a real cinnamon roll. Sweet, nice and caring girl. She took the cutest features of her parents and is quiet and soft as Luther. She is always ready to support everyone. Luna is very close with Sibylla and often helps her cousin when she forgets to eat or just overloads herself with work. She also has that typical "woman's purse" which can surprisingly hold all the textbooks, personal stuff and some juice boxes she likes to treat other people with

Christine/Silvia - Blake Jade. Their youngest son, more active and misbehaved. He is a pessimist, but isn't a drama queen or bore. He is a bit rude and tactless, but straightforward and honest. Blake likes to eat and spend time with some company. He often takes part in different events, but doesn't bother to win, he just likes the crowd and fuss. He is smart and resourceful, but often does all the work at the last minute

Christine/Silvia - Bruno Jade. The elder brother. Bruno is calm and reliable. He is attentive, passive and can't stand fuss and buzz. He is good at thinking a few steps ahead, but doesn't like to share his opinion until he's asked to. 

Brothers get along well, but don't spend much time together since they both prefer their own companies. They often joke about each other and have opposite opinions. Bruno doesn't really bother about Blake's misbehaves, but interfere on rare occasions




I hope you both stay safe, my wishes are sent to you both


I hope for both of you that things will get better soon.