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In SP#135 I mentioned the good news was I was going to have a visitor. I've never been so wrong XD

I've never expected a guest can be so rude. She critisized each aspect of my life, made her own rules and got offended when I wanted some privacy. Drawing with her distracting and dumb joking all the time (especially on the most sensitive moments of comics) was quite the challenge

So I had to fill in patreon early in the morning, while she was asleep. 

Can't say everything was so bad, but I was exhausted after all the things happened. Now she's away and I feel like a domestic cat which is scared all the guests left. 

The smartest guy in this situation was Kid. It's my second laptop, which I use for additional tasks like watching something during my work. It was supposed Jane would use it while she's here, but Kid just refused to turn on the day before Jane's visit. I honestly tried to check power, batteries and other stuff, but nothing helped. Few days after Jane left, I've asked Dad to help and... Kid just turned on after Dad held the button a bit longer, than usually.

After Jane left I got the most adorable gift from YumiCH. She knows me so good she sent everything I love. I squealed like a little girl, honestly.

I've also found out, that during this laptop and guest mess I've lost some of the files in previous sneak peeks. So I decided to add them here

The last time I've shown you Dorian a Desmond, who were the first two members of Rivalle's racing team. Now it's time for Shakar and Tyler. 

Desmond was very jealous of somebody else could join them. That's why the cat did his best to make other candidates leave. Shakar was the 8th candidate to become the team's mechanic. The tiger was patient and cold, so none of Desmond pranks reached him. So the cat finaly gave up at let Shakar stay.

The tiger is very attentive and tidy. He can be busy with cars whole day long, but his paws will remain pure white anyway. Usually he is very quiet, but sometimes he might start grumbling like an old man. He is also a good driver, but has no interest in racing

Tyler is the youngest member of the team. For pretty long period relationships in the team were very toxic thanks to Desmond. He needed a racing partner, but none of them could stay more than for a season. One day Desmond and Dorian visited their college. There they met Tyler - a cute and talanted guy. They dragged him into their world and finally the civet became Desmond's partner. His cheerful nature also improved and balanced in-team relationships and now these four are pretty close and consider each other brothers in a way

And this guy is going to be a secret for a while. He doesn't yet have a name, but has a small backstory. He was actually made to become Desmond's love interest. He is an analyst from Shelby's department, but his job is to work with cars performance and racing statistics. He is a mixbreed of a panter with a white cat. His personality is very cold but polite. He is also pretty strict and serious, so Desmond is going to have pretty hard times :D

Not quite sure about their story though, since it's still a draft, and our focus is on the leading couples anyway. But we really like these guys



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