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This is a soundscape of a seaside cave from August 2015. It was taken during holidays in Cornwall on a beach near Lizard. During the high tide this cave is flooded but at a low tide you can enter. I was captivated by the sound inside and decided to record it.

Sound can be very therapeutic when you approach listening as a form of mediation and self care. To do so allow yourself a moment to just be with the sound. Close your eyes, breathe and feel it. Do not judge what you hear, just experience it. Let it speak to you. 

If you believe that places have spirits, recognise this as their voice communicating with you. Who is speaking? Is it the ocean, the rocks, the sand, the water or the cave? Perhaps they are signing a song for you. Notice what images the sound creates in your mind, how it makes you feel, what part of your body responds to it.

Sound has an amazing ability to create and alter our emotions. Allow it to take you on an inner journey. Do not judge what comes up for you. There are no wrong ways to experience it. Do this and the spirits of this place and time  can embrace you and help you heal and regenerate wherever you are. 

Enter the cave and listen.



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