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The first is the start of a She-Hulk TF sequence I started over a decade ago. It's such a good set up, that I just can't settle on a killer page 2! I took it on holiday to ink over.

Second is a random drawing and a new page to add to Altawoman: Monster Attack.

Third is a drawing for my son who loves the Spidey and his Amazing Friends cartoon on Disney plus (I kind of dig it too, but not as much as the OG Amazing Friends cartoon!)



Brian Thomas

I love that random drawing over there… it invokes Kirby’s The Eternals… just curious… how long do you hold onto your drawings upon completion?


I've got several thick files full of drawings that I mostly keep in the loft. Every so often I go up there to look through them, and come down with a bunch of stuff I want to try and finish. Some of that stuff is really old, some of it brand new. I find it hard to stick to just one or two projects.


Yeah, my son likes Spidey and his Amazing Friends. He watched it all the time when he was younger (although I don't understand their obsession with the vendor selling veggie dogs!).


Yeepee !!! Another "classic" Jenny mini-comic ! Can't wait to see it !


What's the other paper in the top right hand of the first picture about, Manic?