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I'm trying to keep new material coming as regularly as possible, but I have a few really big commissions that are taking up most of my already very limited work time. I needed to finance a replacement car at the start of the year at the same time as experiencing a drop off in subscribers. This resulted in me mashing the commissions button, and I bit off a little bit more than I can chew! Especially the Ms Liberty comic,(although that's also a total passion project for me). All that, plus me having to step in to provide childcare because of various family emergencies recently are why updates have been kind of light lately. Please bear with me though, as I will hopefully clear my in-tray before the summers end. As you can see from these previews there's some great stuff coming!



Nick A.

Please take care manic your family and well being comes first after all good things happen to those who wait you’re in my thoughts and prayers also SHE HULKS BIG GREEN BUTT 🤤

Agent Zero

That's ok man. Family always comes first. We will be here when u have time to post your art!


In time the manic-ficent art will come. Truly we'll all be waiting for ya. Kids need the attention at all times til sleep.


I can't wait see the rest of She Hulk.🥰 I like her sexy green Butt with ripped Jeans. 😋🍑💚💚💚