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I've been having the usual post holiday slump. Too many projects and too little time! My attention isn't held by anything concrete and I keep switching around what I'm working on. The problem with a limited amount of time to work with is I sometimes get in a bit of a muddle trying to decide what to do first!

The main thing I wanted to finish this week was the latest Savage Girl Page. It's taking longer than I anticipated because there's so much finicky detail to colour, which is frustrating. The next image is my draft version of the TF scene, which I have sadly had to scrap as it just doesn't match Boggschaucers script and doesn't follow on well from the previous page (Ericka should be sitting, not kneeling). I'll probably rework this into something else eventually.

I'm keen to draw the fourth and final story of my Altawoman anthology, but this first page is a nightmare! Every time I go and try to draw the details of the buildings I just give up in despair. I'm also really keen to get back to that Wilds comic I started ages ago, which will explore the origins of Wild Girl.
The last image is an old drawing that I found in the loft which I have been reworking/finishing into an elder and apprentice She Hulk double TF. Again, just a silly and pointless distraction! I'm gonna be more ruthless with what I spend my time on from now on, I think. Hopefully there will be something finished by tomorrow!




Art isn’t something that can be rushed. Perfection takes time. I know a lot of us here really admire your skills and creations. Also since when it comes to your silly ideas, they turned out to be great to see!

Agent Zero

That last drawing is fire. Finish that please!

James Winfield

Love to know the origins of Wild Girl! She’s a favorite of mine and some of your best Tfs (for me personally) are hers!


Always up for some more Altawoman!


Are you seeing the She-Hulk trailers?! There’s a new one showing her eyes and face begin to change that was straight off your pages - I actually gasped! Curious what you’re thinking about this, it’s really looking like atrue mainstream fmg/gts show and it might be a huge hit. I just can’t believe it.


I know! At the moment my expectations are pretty much through the ceiling. Anxiously awaiting next week!

Agent Zero

It also needs one page before and one after. Just sayin'. Sorry not sorry. :D


I believe Michelangelo Buonarroti of Renaissance Italy did create doodles that are still impressive, even today! He was certainly not the first great artist to doodle, and he certainly wasn't going to be the last. I agree with you, Manic, that Picture 2 could be reworked as a non-canon transformation drawing of Boggschaucer's character. Was Picture 3 of the Wilds drawn out of the plot's sequence of events? If there's one critique of Picture 4 that I have, it might be that the perspective is making Altawoman's body seem shorter than it should be. What was Picture 5 originally supposed to be? I actually do think the theme of your reworked Picture 5 should be explored: a She-Hulk helping another She-Hulk control her powers.

elm mara

Please, don't cut Altawoman's head!