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Not having the best week, workwise. I'm finding it tough to get back into the routine after my break and only working half days during the week is annoying. I'm trying to get into the next Savage Girl and Mary's Curse pages but I'm feeling blocked. Getting some progress made on the Multiverse of Manic though!




Hey man. No rush bro. You’ve proven numerous how many times again and again how well your projects have been with patience. Keep up the good work dude!!

Nick A.

Quality > Quantity please take your time Manic a lot of us know that your works in the end turns out great and extremely sexy 💪🏾


No rush. I'm happy to wait for more Mary's Curse! Also - which software do you use?


Well, this one looks very interesting! I’m just now noticing you fully color and render one area/item at a time. I should try that approach at some point,

elm mara

If are blocked people here will be more than happy to send you suggestions. All you have to do is ask. Or you can make polls.


Absolutely. No Rush, Mike. Take a long Siesta if you need to so you can continue to astound us with your Creations within the MultiVerse of Manic! Cheers, DB


You are easily the most prolific of all the artists I support on Patreon, so no wonder you are burned out! Clear the grey cells if you have to. Take a month off and enjoy the British sunshine, which, if we are lucky, will stick around longer than last year.


It's only natural you might feel clustered and bogged down with so many projects going all at once.I also know how it feels being blocked while working on something,no matter how hard you try you just don't seem to be able to produce anything or when you do it's not up to your own standards.Best thing to do is to go with what you're feeling motivated at presently and finish it and then move down the list until you've cleared all of your present projects.

Todd Carney

I hear yah! My week has been bizarre. Someone in my family got Covid, so I've been living in a hotel this week, waiting to come back. So I have been stunted creatively. At times like these, whenever you have the time, just follow your Muse, I always say. And if she says draw Jill bursting out as the She-Hulk with Terry's help, OMG listen to her!!!