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I'm still doing a little doodling for my illustrated Alta-Dimension map whilst I'm laid up.

I recommend that you do everything you can to avoid getting Covid-- even though my symptoms are comparatively mild, this is quite unpleasant. Last night I had vertigo and difficulty swallowing. This morning I'm better, but the muscle fatigue feels like I've run a half marathon. Not good.

Thank you so much for all your get well soon messages! You guys are the best!



Brian Thomas

Oh shit! I didn’t know! Get better soon! I suppose it’s only a matter of time till we all get it… and I’m a lifelong asthmatic …😕

Jose Almeida

Ever since the outbreak I’ve been washing my face and gargling my throat every time I’m within six feet of someone new. And recommend everyone here to do the same.


Do take care, Brian! Keep wearing a mask in public places indoors if you can!

Grand Funk Master Chief Ricardo Montalbán Phon Con 14

I'm up-to-date with my Covid vaccinations. Yet I still take precautions when I go to work. My sister-in-law had her shots and still contracted Covid. She's much better now. But the chances of catching it are never zero. Take care of yourself, Manic. As for everyone else, get the shots.


I got it two years ago, and I agree with you, Manic. This is not something you want! Everyone should get their COVID-19 vaccinations!


Feel Better Soon!

Craig Smith II

@Manic Man you should do a live video of your sketchbook so we can see the method behind the madness


I've long considered this, but my technique is rather haphazard-- I tend to rub out what I'm drawing multiple times before I 'get it right'. I'm not one of those smooth artists who can knock out a perfect drawing in an hour!

Agent Zero

a lot of He-Man influence in these :)


She looks a little bit like the Sorceress!!!


I would say that she definitely has a She-Ra charm... which isn't bad at all !!! :)