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This one's based on the second ever She-Hulk TF from Savage She-Hulk issue two. In this world, Linda has a friend named 'Sarah' who is her best friend. I haven't really thought of any character details for her beyond that! 

I was planning a full length comic for She-Squatch but I couldn't really focus on a story. I have some pages-- the pencilled ones you've already seen-- but they were drawn without much context and I couldn't really figure out where to go next with them. Then I got caught up with other things and it just fell by the wayside, really. I definitely will do more with this character in the future though! Just need to finish Stripperhulk and Savage Girl first.




This is a good counterpoint to your own illustration of Savage 2 from a few years ago

Vincent Aaron Stauffer

I see that even issue 2 of Savage She-Hulk would predict the famous Incredible Hulk cartoon transformation, sort of.

Thomas Stidman

This is an awesome She Sasquatch TF.


YEEEAAAAHH !!! Linda and She-Squatch are back !!! And with style moreover... ;)

Musical Euphoria

Amazing how she bulks out of her clothes, turning into a sweaty meaty-armored beast just before growing her warm soft pelt.