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Accosted by burglars in her mansion, Lady Victoria is bundled down into her cellar and tied to a post. With horror, she watches as the robbers spill oil onto the stone floor, and as they leave, one of them leers back at her, a lit match in his hand. Evil laughter echoes around the cellar as the burglar tosses the match, and seals a fiery doom for Lady Victoria! But the young heiress has a power inside her that soon come to her rescue-- the power of BAZUUMBA!



Stroll on the wild side

Fantastic piece, great transformation as well as art and colouring. Loving the style design of Victoria, great fodder for tf. Of course we’re going to have to see an art only version of this without dialogue boxes! For.. artistic reasons

elm mara

Could you post the pages without the words?

Garth Ranzz

Oh gosh, indeed.

Bryan B

nice work-hope to see more

Garth Ranzz

I'm not sure how a prim and proper character graduating from "ohhgosh" to "oh %&#$" makes the already hot art hotter, but it does.

Thomas Stidman

How did Lady Victoria acquire Bazuumba’s power?


Sexy as always.