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It's snu-snu o'clock!




The shading in that 3rd panel looks pretty sinister lol. She know she ready for some action 💚


Well, she did drop hot water on her. So now she must pay...through love *cue chessy porn music*


Mary is the horniest of all your She-Hulks. Any excuse…


This is gonna get good!. 👍

shahed alam

Wouldn’t it be cool if her room mate turned into a she-hulk too after being exposed to Mary?

Nick A.

Oh man are we gonna have She hulk sex ? Compared to the last page this went from 0 to 1000 🤣🤣🤣

Thomas Stidman

Mary is either going to get Hulk power or die from this experience.

Dr. Lecter

Melany, it's spanking time! 😂

Musical Euphoria

Unfortunately for Melany, the friend she knows is far from recognizable in her radiant green eyes. In fact, Mary has always wanted to admit to Melany of how she feels about her, but her Hulk self finds it frustrating that her weaker self has put it off this long. She no longer wants to go through meaningless phases of puny courtship, instead wants instant gratification. No longer feeling shame with the power she has, she rips her friends clothes off beginning her mateship for her own selfish animalistic desire, ignoring her friend's protests.