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1) A short Savage Girl sequence

2) Cavegirl inked and coloured! I'm working my way through all the Cavegirl TFs I put out last year and finishing them. I might even extend a few of them into mini comics!

3) The Map of Altania, home of the Altawomen in the Alta-Dimension. This is a big project, and will likely take me most of this year to complete!

Plus I shall also be putting out more Stripper hulk pages soon, as promised.



AC Marvel

Any chance during the year you might finish that Red Alert comic. I can't wait to see what happens next

elm mara

I miss savage girl's naked boobs...

Garth Ranzz

SG seems to inspire some of your best "exploding in size" poses. That full-length panel is positively Krakatoan.

Thomas Stidman

Savage girl transformation looks awesome.

Nick A.

Sorry that I’m gonna sound like a broken record, all this is hot asf but is there any word on your other works like Mary’s curse , and Red alert ?


Could MuscleWoman be back?