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What did everyone think of the She-Hulk teaser? We in this little community of ours have fantasised about a live action SH show since the days of the Savage Impulses message board. I have to admit that I never believed I would see it happen, so I'm kind of just grateful for whatever we get. How crazy is it that we get to talk about a She Hulk TV that is actually happening?

I like what I see so far-- Jen's gamma'd up self looks a little too skinny, but I guess that the model is John Byrne's Sensational version of the character. The casting of Tatiana Maslany is looking to be spot on, I think. I'm nervously optimistic! The MCU has delivered a pretty solid track record of great movies and the Disney Plus TV series have all been really good so far. What do you all think?



Too slim for me but long as we get good tone and a proper 6 pack it will be passable. As far as Jen herself goes, I'm just glad to be moving past the Jason Aaron Era for her. Only upside was her being drawn more muscular


I think its interesting so far, hard to guess where some of the scenes will be placed, will she be powered up before Endgame, is it a one-way or TF. The way they are handling the fourth-wall seems interesting too, but it might be because of the homage to a certain show complete with period clothing :)


I always wondered why not use a muscle suit like they did in that danicka patrick commercial


Bro. Im kinda excited for it and at the same time no. One really cool thing was the Bill Bixby reference at the end. That was dope. Especially with the, “Don’t make me angry, you wouldn’t like when I’m angry” I felt lifted. Lol. Imo I really want to see several transformations in the show, but ig anything is possible with Disney. The outfit looks pretty damn accurate from the comics. I also hope that we can get some transformations of her becoming the She-Hulk and not necessarily a one time and stays in that form the rest of the show kinda deal. The hulk form is a bit thin (i agree), kinda wish just a tiny bit more show of muscular thickness. She looks to be CGI, which is good. But overall im stoked about this show. I have a feeling she really will nail this role. I hope theres a couple of transformations at least. Where it isn’t considered “inappropriate”. Kinda how they did it the 80’s And 90’s Incredible Hulk Animated Series that featured She Hulk. Especially if theres at least one like from that one episode of F4: World’s Greatest Hero, my prayers would have been answered lol. Sorry ik this kinda long


I'm guessing post Endgame and parallel with Wandavision and Falcon/Winter Soldier. And the homage could be interesting!

Nick A.

I wanted Dascha Polanco as she hulk original I’m half excited and worried about the show I really want to see good TFs like yours and Incrivel Hulk


Yeah, I wasn't as big a fan of that as I thought I might be. I think Marvel found out very early on that making She Hulk a carbon copy of her male counterpart was a bad idea, and gave her a personality very distinct from her cousin. Ive pretty much quit comics now, so I'm bewildered by her latest incarnation with red skin and blonde hair. WTF?


I feel you, but I reaaallly don't think there will be several transformations. One at best I think, and it's on Disney plus so there won't be anything provocative about it. I'm going to watch it with my MCU fan head on and not my Manic head. My Manic head will likely be disappointed.


I don't know. If all she does is turn green and that's it, I'll be disappointed


So far I'm sitting at "it's ok". Need some more images/trailer to have a better feel for it. (Same goes for Moon Knight). This might be the best D+ show cause the others made me mad to indifferent/apathetic after watching them. Edit: There's an image not in the teaser that's on websites of Jen in a fancy dress. Not sure if it's legitimate but it's with other stills from the teaser.

Brian Thomas

I’m…. A little underwhelmed…. I know she wasn’t going to have beef but… she seems average sized and normally proportioned? I kinda worry this could be more “meh” than failure… which is kinda worse…

Russ Stillman

Sigh I wished for more Savage She Hulk roots. And an actrrss that looked more like Jen Walters and a muscular actress as She Hulk


I really hope the TF's deliver, I wanna see some clothes ripping!

James Winfield

I’m optimistic! I hope she’s going to be as funny as she is in the comics back in the late 80s (if that’s the route they’re going). I too hope to see some TFs but I’m thinking there will only be one maybe two. I’m wondering if she fights many hulked out villains? Also with this post, Manic, I was wondering if our community should have a Discord or a board where we all can discuss TFs and She Hulk and muscle growth? Just an idea


Keeping my expectations low, but I hope for the best!


I’d be surprised if there were heavy TF’s in this series. If I had to guess, the most detailed one would be her first TF. As for her being skinny: that’s no surprise to see given potential budget restrictions. They will want her performance without the need of heavy CGI to be needed throughout each episode. They may borrow a page from Vision where it’s mostly makeup with a touch of CGI. Finally, if they are using Byrne’s She Hulk and comedy, I imagine she might stay green for most of the series (assuming I’m right about how to handle the special effects).


The more i think about it. It’s possible. The reason why im saying this is the little scene with Hulk explaining the transformations. Could be a flashback. It is supposed to be after Endgame im guessing

Daniel Cholewa CL

i like it because it is long over due because we have seen her as guest in most of the tv but not her own so this going to be awsomw to see come to fulfillment of us she-hulk fan commuity


I think the show will be highly entertaining, but we were never going to be the target audience. As Manic said, it’s remarkable that we’re even at this stage. Never thought this character would reach mass media.


Just a thought, perhaps the shot we were given is of her starting to revert back to human form? Kinda like the lab reversion in the 08 movie.

Garth Ranzz

I'm confident Maslany will rock this. Few actors could pull off what she did in "Orphan Black." I'm also pretty confident final form Shulk will be thiccer than the sleek Byrne version. And yeah, it's still hard to believe this is happening at all.


My faith in this series is almost zero unfortunately with their current track record of preaching rather than entertaining. But we will see. I think the lead casting is good though.


I'm also "nervously optimistic" about the series, however what little glimpses that have been put out there seem well done. I wonder what kind of TF we might see. Tatiana Maslany looks like a great fit for the roll as Jen and really looking forward to seeing how they manipulate her into She Hulk in her final form.

Agent Zero

It looks, promising? I know that the Abomination will return in this show so I am looking forward to that. As for the SH herself, the little that we saw of her looked weak. I agree with Manic that she is too skinny, but maybe that's early cgi? The proof will be in the pudding, as they say.

Garth Ranzz

Holy smokes. This is quite the thread, and all these long-timers. Smitty? Cyclone Kath? BT? Freakin' Shadowlurker?? Cheers, folks!


I think my "boom-there-it-is" moment with the casting was seeing Tatiana Maslany in an episode of Parks and Rec. She's got the chops for comedy and drama, which is perfect for the character.


I think that as long as it is as entertaining and compelling as most other MCU output (I am a diehard fan), then I will forgive my, ahhhh.... predilections being unpandered to. At the end of the day, nobody's realistically going to make a Disney show to cater for a kink. And.... Nor should they? My kids watch Disney plus. I'd say that I'd be more excited if someone was doing an adult parody, but that already happened a decade ago and it was completely horrible.

Alex Edwards

So far these are only brief screenshots, so I am going to wait until the first trailer before allowing any doubts to set in. Seems like whatever happens in this show will be the reason why Banner appears in his regular size in the post-credits scene in Shang-Chi. I am looking forward to there being some gaps filled in about what happened to the Abomination for the decade of the MCU after The Incredible Hulk. As for her size, it was a long shot whether Marvel would have allowed her to be any kind of muscular. They appear to be very gunshy about their expectations for how superheroines physically appear when compared to their male counterparts.


Hmm, true. She Hulk should be able to flip a tank and juggle cars. Not getting that impression, although as Shadowlurker suggested here it might be due to budgetary reasons

Mark Sutcliffe

Fingers cross that she won’t be a skinny waif. The brief glimpse we saw was obviously CGI but looked to have some muscle tone. The design may not be finalised yet, have to see when the series is released.

Bryan B

saw it and thought-ok-being on a budget have not bought the Disney+ channel-wish my SCi-fi channel here would expand and get some other shows-non stop Star Trek-its okay but after awhile you ask-can you show other stuff-wish the geniuses there would bring in an animated shows-Avengers _FF, another go at Spiidey-heck even a She Hulk cartoon would be better than the boring stuff on Fox on Sundays-lets see what happens-people will like it, others will not-


I felt like one of the reasons we saw so little --especially of Shulkie herself--is because they're still working on the CG and it's just not there yet. I thought Bruce looked a little awkward in his scene too. Ideally they'd follow the trend from the Charles Soule era where her default look is tall green supermodel, but when she goes into full battle mode, she pumps up a little bit more--not like the She-Hulk in recent comics, but a little more buff than what we saw in the trailer. Since I gather the battles will be rather sparse as the focus will be on courtroom comedy shennanigans (a perfectly reasonable plan of action given the format and characters involved) they wouldn't have to use that look very often. But we'll see. The "sensational" version is the most well known, and as you said any MCU material featuring Jen--and expanding on Hulk mythos in general--is welcome.

Todd Carney

I am curious of course, but expectations are super low. Because no matter how good the show is, and even if She-Hulk looks amazing, I'm still going to be disappointed on a few levels. There's no way I won't be disappointed. But I'll try to watch with my MCU head on and not my Manic head (tm).