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From a client who had a real thing for Britney Spears back in the day...




What happened to Friday. Do you have a sexy she hulk Betty comic because u missed Friday.


Great Classic stuff! I remember when it was new....

Garth Ranzz

Yeah, the celebrity TF requests were (are?) a hoot. "What if Avril Lavigne became Juggernaut?" That said, this is some of you best from the color pencils era. What really stands out is the strides you've made in your writing.

Agent Zero

who didn't have a thing for Britt Britt back in the day?

elm mara

I love when the transformation make them sexually aroused.


All these years I thought it was you with the thing for Brittney not a client. You sure got hired a lot for these.

Vincent Aaron Stauffer

You were big on Britney back than, but so was everyone else.