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Alessandro 'Buzzer' Alvarez is an intern who has formed a close friendship with Linda Langowski. Though attracted to him, Linda has put some distance between herself and Buzzer for reasons of professional integrity. However, since the She-Squatch came on the scene, Linda has found herself able to really let her hair down! But though the She-Squatch has begun an intimate relationship with Buzzer, Linda Langowski's new boyfriend Rory Rickard has just moved in! This causes tension with her alter-ego's lover...




Digging those bulked up mid-way pre fur shots. Hoping we get the origin someday!


Strong,sexy and shaggy.What's not to love?Still Linda should be careful about getting hairy in public or her monstrous secret is going to be out.Brilliant work again M.


Best way to get intimate with boyfriend


Hmm... something about those two fellas seems familiar...


When does come She Hulk 1982 comic and coming more She Hulk Transformation.💚😋🤔


So are the She-Squatch and Linda personalities separate? If so, that raises some very interesting questions and lots of story potential...

Stroll on the wild side

You’ve requested this on a number of other threads. While personally I’m also a fan of the 1980s She-Hulk and would love to see him do a spin on classics like the fire escape transformation, it’s unfair to pressure him to do personally desires projects. If he wants to do it he will, but his work is best when he’s doing what he’s personally enthusiastic and motivated in doing rather than responding to everyone else’s personal requests. You’ve made your request clear and if he chooses to do it then he will but right now he’s happier doing other projects so hold off and just enjoy the other work coming out.


GREAT !!! This panel alone was worth my monthly fee ! The homage to the classic argument between Jennifer and Zapper is a nice bonus. ;) The art is just incredible and getting better and better. Really, the She-Squatch has become my new favourite after my beloved gamma gal - no small feat, Manic !