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I thought about serialising this like the other recent and similar series I've done-- but I think every once in a while it's good to get something whole and complete to enjoy! 



AC Marvel

Love it, Love it. Hope to see more


Nice addition to the Manicverse!

elm mara

This is getting repetitive, there is no story, and the poses are much like the same.

david palmer

Linda should meet jen maybe like some courtroom team up


Amazing work Manic.Not only a nice twist on the classic Bruce/Jen dynamic but the She-Squatch's design is awesome.Hat's off to you for this one.


Art is great as usual. But what really makes this is her internal and external dialogue!

Thomas Stidman

She Sasquatch was really cool. I love how she enjoys this power and how she has embraced her strength.


Aye nice


Extremely Awesome! Now just the feet version :o ? hehe

Flash Gorgon

Looks like we're just missing the final dialogue-free image...


Yeah, I'm gonna have to create that dialogue free image again. Lettered it and forgot to save a blank copy 🙃