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I've run out of time this week, and I'm going to be taking a short holiday from Wednesday next week, so the next page of Mary's Curse has unfortunately been delayed! But to make sure you guys aren't totally deprived, here's a preview of the pencilled page!




Yes hulked.💚 my favorite She Hulk is of the 1982 with pink dress.😋 It's coming more Jen Transformation 1982 comic?🙄

elm mara

The transformation starts, and then stops? WTF?!

Nick A.

So was this just a thought Mary had ?

James Winfield

I like the idea of Mary controlling the transformation and reverting back but her clothes are still in slight tatters. Lucky for us her shoes succumbed to the growth

Garth Ranzz

The last panel seems to confirm that. On the previous page her rea to her physical response to the kiss was "but that would mean..." We're seeing what she thought would happen. But it didn't. In short, it's a tease. And a good one.


You know, there's a line between "being excited for the next page" and "thinking you're owed an artist's time just because you gave them some money", and this joke of yours comes really close to crossing it. This Patreon membership has no "minimum pages per month" agreement in it. We pay to get access to Manic's work, and he gives us as much of his time as he thinks this is worth. If you disagree, if you think you're owed more of his time, well... maybe you can pay either pay him extra to do some commissions for him, or you can cancel your membership. Your choice. There are only a few great artists in this community, and most of them end up quitting because of unreasonable fan demands. So please cut Manic some slack and give him the freedom to live his life. He can just as easily decide to stop doing this altogether.


That's not actually whats happening, as the coloured/lettered version will reveal!