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It's been an ongoing project of mine to redraw every SH TF scene from the 'classic era' (1960's to 80's) of comics. I've collected here all of the sequences I've done so far! Well, those that I can remember that I've done, anyway. I'm trying to focus first on the transformations that took place off panel. The one's I'd like to tackle next are issue 6, where a thug pointing a gun at Jen's head triggers a Shulk-out or issue 14, where Jen transforms inside an empty beer-barrel.



AC Marvel

Maybe you can attack some of TFs scenes from 80s Hulk TAS "Enter She Hulk". Like the one she's in the gas chamber after being chased by Hydra agents. She smashes through the wall and defeats them. Or maybe take the scene from Down Memory Lane in the 90s Hulk TAS. She was temporarily Jen again and she changes back to She Hulk


You never tackled the infamous “Ultima carries Jen behind a tree” one?


As I recall didn't you do a "Microwave Man" vs She-Hulk sequence ages ago based on the events of this issue?Also great work here.This classic She-Hulk homages are amazing or dare I say,Sensational?


Can't get enough


Thank you so much for collecting these! The original Savage transformations were some of the most visceral but Marvel had too many of them off-panel. I've always been glad you've been augmenting them over the years.


I love these, especially the 1st one Btw what's the 1st picture from?

Todd Carney

These are glorious! (My vote is for the last TF in Issue #3, with Jen tumbling out of a blanket on the couch while Zapper's getting his butt kicked by a green robot.)

Todd Carney

There was that black & white retrospective that Manic did a few years ago where Jen is remembering past events, and she makes fun of Ultima for not realizing her identity when she practically transformed right in front of her. (But yeah, I'd like to see the Behind-The-Tree footage!)


This is a very good month for all the She-Hulk fans indeed ! :) This sequence is very good and I'm always overjoyed when you work on reduxes of the classic "Savage" comic books. There is still much to do, by the way ! ;) You did well with the colors here : I found in pain that night scenes are very difficult to render adequately .


I'm glad we're finally able to see the finished sequence, as I believe it was teased many moons ago in a compilation "what I'm working on" post, or possibly in an updated commission guidelines post. I'm not sure why, but issue #16 is my 2nd favorite issue of the series (#5 being 1st). Maybe because it was my introduction into the series, and also the cover is just awesome. Also, I think you also did a riff on Jen's transformation at the courthouse during The Word's trial from #10. That one was from 2004, so definitely old-school.


What a coincidence ! Issues #5 and 16 are my favourites too ! ;) I didn't know that there is (was ?) a draft for this trial's sequence. Let's hope that Manic will work on it soon ! :)


Slightly outside of the comics that these transformations are taken from but I believe there was a Jen to She-Hulk transformation in Marvel Team Up #107 that was off-panel in a way as it only consisted of the start and end of the transformation. Having a more complete version of this transformation would be interesting to see as well.