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You’ve really been pushing the envelope on perspective lately. Nice work.

AC Marvel

Cant wait for this one too. Will this be from Gen13 movie. Maybe after this you do another She Hulk Cartoon TF.


Thank you! Although I must stress that I am merely cribbing from the J Scott Cambell original page that saw the birth of Fairchild's Gen-Active powers.


I couldn't decide which version to emulate-- the cartoon or the original comic. I decided to do something that's a mix-up of the two, as there are things that I like and dislike about each.

Agent Zero

Epic page is epic. :-)


Good work with the modern take on Caitlin's musculature rather than the tall thin version from Gen-13 #1. It's sort of too bad that the issue ended with the TF. The beginning of the next one already had her ripping down steel walls and throwing guards around like dolls. They omitted the "discovery" phase of her powers. I guess they didn't want to copy Savage She-Hulk 1 too much.

Craig Smith II

Well you have to think at the time this came out(1995),censorship was kinda heavy. I do agree they should've done the discovery scene as well