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Normally, I like to put out stuff that's already completed. This piece is something of a side project, so I don't know how long it'll be till it's finished. Because I'm excited and impatient for you all to see this, I want to show you the rough pencilled pages. 

The Altawoman bio on the old website mentioned that Allie was one of many Altawomen who have existed in the world over history. I think it also hinted that there may be more than one Altawoman, an idea that has always fascinated me. What if there were a different Altawoman in every nation? 

Another bee in my bonnet is Brazillian Samba dancers. I love the sexy, outrageous and colourful costumes, and always thought that there was something Altawomanesque about them. I've wanted to draw a character based on Rio Carnival girls for some time, so this seemed like the perfect pigeonhole for my fantasies!

I haven't come up with a name for 'Brazillian Altawoman' yet, or a firm background story for the sequence, but if you have any suggestions I'm all ears!



Charlie D. Carter Jr.

I guess, for the name of your Brazilian Altawoman, you could try some Brazilian goddesses. For the backstory, maybe a rags to riches sort of vibe. That's my two cents :)


here are some name suggestions for the Brazilian Altawoman : Asima - Mirza - Velta - Jarina - Jaguara - Evaki - Ituana - Gabriela.

Jose Almeida

Good call Manic! Brazilian women are gorgeous!


I'm all in for more Allie.One can never have too much Altawoman:)

Garth Ranzz

That 4th page ... THOOM, indeed.


A couple of people have suggested Gabriela and it's my favorite so far!