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Urtha appears with kind permission of BTX!




remove the males...they ruin the comics


I vote for keeping them. I’m an equal opportunity growth fan.


I'm agreeing with M.H., I would like to see more male growth too. The concept of Wild Man is really great and man is he hot. Wish we kinda saw more of him nude like the ladies, but that's Manics choice. Any which way I like the stuff that is coming out.


a male is garbage...you have that shit all around...we need more women stuff not garbage male shit

Thomas Stidman

I wish there was a Mr and Mrs Wilds origin story. That would be an interesting story. Maybe eating a forbidden fruit changed their chemistry.


I think they get their power from the Growth Crystal located in that cavern on the island. I'm guessing that's what the villains in Time Chasers are after. (But yes, I would love to see their origin story too.)