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I've always been my own worst enemy. Even when I've got commissions and paycomics to draw, I can't help getting distracted by my restless imagination! I'll spend hours that I should be spending on paying gigs doodling tangentally. Now, sometimes this bears fruit-- quite a lot of what you see from me has come about as a result of my restless drawing excursions. A lot of the time though, these drawings sit in a file half finished for years! This drawing came about when I was doing a commission (posted here earlier this year) featuring a Victorian lady undergoing a transformation into an amazon after vanishing through a portal. It made me want to do another Victorian lady hulking out, so... off I went...




Awesome ! A Victorian She-Hulk is a fantastic concept. All the more since it opens so many possibilities : Hyde syndrome, confrontation with the Ripper, Cthulhu by gaslight, meeting with the classic creatures like Dracula and the Werewolf... A dream come true !!!


Would this be set in the United Kingdom?


Nice concept, this would make a great sequence or comic in its own right. It reminds me of a drawing that was done by mscuito on deviantart: <a href="https://www.deviantart.com/msciuto/art/Victorian-She-Hulk-197907251." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.deviantart.com/msciuto/art/Victorian-She-Hulk-197907251.</a>


I really like this concept. So I decided to think up a loose story around it. The story tells the tale of a young British woman named Bethany who lives in the higher echelons of Victorian society. Bethany is quiet, reserved and caring. She spends her days volunteering at a local hospital and helping her wealthy father run his business. One night whilst attending a party hosted by her father someone offered Bethany something that would change her life forever. She was offered what was known as "Hyde serum." However to Bethany it seemed like just another glass of wine. But as the night went on she soon realized that something wasn't right. At first it was just small spells of dizziness. Then she began to feel feverish. Eventually both her body and her mind undergo a startling metamorphisis. Bethany's body grows as her muscles expand. Her inhibitions melt away letting her wild and more sexual side emerge. Soon the person known as Bethany is no more. In her place stands the succulent and sassy Elanor Hyde. Ready to make her grand entrance into her fathers party.