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Hi everyone-- Updates have been kind of slow here for a week or two, so I'm just letting you know that I am working hard on some new stuff for you and it will be with you very soon! Meantime, I'd like to share with you some unseen sketches and doodles from my archives. 



Jose Almeida

Wow! This looks amazing! I hope you decide to finish or reboot this sequence someday!


WOW !This one is GREAT !


When was this good sketch done?


This is excellent. I love the buildup, even in just this short span, the pose in panel 4 with the small tear down the back and the mid tf in panel 5 is outstanding.I love the way you renders the hair unraveling, and her body had a real physical weight to it. Well done—thanks for sharing!

Todd Carney

Dude! If only the recent S.H. comic series could have been like this. <3