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This is where I'll be posting progress reports. This post will be updated from time to time, so check back every now and then for updates.

Sep 28th
Working in substance painter. If this were Koikatsu, I could probably get away with low fidelity graphics. I'm still trying to figure out this tool, and my tablet's pen battery is dead.
I was planning on adding on some stitching after getting some basic wrinkles in for the underboobs. You're currently looking at some procedural detail normals.

I don't have much experience with this tool. I've mainly used free simple ones for cartoony textures.

Sep 15th
UV layout is done, which means I can jump into texturing.
I wasn't thinking ahead so I had to carefully cut out the layout from the underside layers.

August 27th
Alpha 2 is now available for Blazing/Ember patrons.
Embers will regain access next week.
With this, I can start focusing on the UV/Texturing before going back into polishing.

August 25th
Ribs have been applied. Alpha 2 will hopefully be out this week. This means I can start on textures. The cloak will be on hold until later.

August 18th
The gloves and leggings seem to be ready for ribbing. This means I can go to mapping and texturing after making it more solid.
I'll try to get the next test version out before the end of the month.

August 1st
Top has been ribbed.
You can see the rough in the first image. Going to tweak this a bit before I move on to the arms and legs, then finally texturing.
And yes, I know there's a random square up there, but it shouldn't take long to redo.

June 22nd
I have changed the base wear. Shifting it over was messy, so I remeshed it to be more inline with official artwork. My current version is kind of like wearing a castle. After this is done, I will be be applying thickness and finalizing the UV maps. The arms and legs seem to be in a good spot to go ahead with finalization before texturing.

June 18th
Alpha has been released.
The basic shape is done for the main portion of the dress. What's left is just edge polishing.
I may or may not make the thongs.
Things that still need to be done
- Edge Polishing. It's still a bit low quality around the breasts.
- Uv Mapping. I have a rudimentary one already, but it's not optimized for painting just yet.
- Textures and bump mapping.

I have to be careful and not make promises I can't deliver, but I'll try my best with the time I have.

May 26th
Some slight progress. The top was redone, and then partially redone again. So that's three passes for the top. I want to try and get a good baseline before I move onto the gloves and pantyhose.

May 16th
Sorry, no progress this week. Depending on how things go, I may or may not charge for next month. I want to try and get an alpha build out sometime next week.
Thank you for the continued support this far.

Btw, if you have a cold sore or think one is coming, rinse that area with salt water. It's been working for me and numbs the pain for about the majority of the day. Plus its cheap!

May 8th.
Lowpoly blocking is underway. I may need to rethink the dress a bit because of HS's missile tits, but I have the workflow ready. I'm basically drawing the basic mesh on top of the HS body, getting the edge flows and landmarks in before going in and detailing.
It's the same method I used in a few of the mods in the past, but I don't remember which ones.

I decided to try out Z-brushing on the clothes, I'm still a bit too flimsy to be relying on it.

In other news, a power outage or a power spike caused my main monitor to die, so my tablet monitor is my main monitor until the replacement arrives. This really didn't change anything other than the fact I have less room to work with now.

May 2nd.

I have decided to go with the anime version of Origa. She has shorter sleeves but a full stocking. I figure it's what most people are familiar with. 

Currently, I have the rough 2D sketch done.
This will give me a good understanding on where I should but the major meshes before actually doing the modeling.
And of course, HS's missile tits makes it a bit inaccurate.  

The numbers you see are to remind me of  how many sections there are.




Please make Tifa and Aerith clothes for FF7RE.


I'm pretty sure other modders are already working on that since FF7 is currently really popular.