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Kim Jiyum's wetsuit from Sudden Attack.

I'm going to star sounding like a broken record if I keep saying this took a while. Well it took a while.

Originally came with a goggle acessory, but the quality of it was so low that I decided to remove it.

Flippers where also an accessory that was hung on the pouch, but was converted to usable shoes.

Swimsuit Top:
Diving Gear
Swimsuit Bot:
Diving Pouch
Diving Suit
Diving Socks
Diving Flippers
Leg Accessory: Plain Holster

The plain holster is holster without a strap. It's a little bit on the low quality side, you may want to increase the size a of it a bit to fit most bigger guns.

As always, coordinate is included for both colors.

Ver. 1.01
Adjusted Weights around the butt and gloves.

Ver. 1.1
With the help of a patron, a color map has been added.
- A the same time, entries for the blue suit has been disabled. So there's only one diving suit with two color channels.
- Textures have been brightened as well.
- Coordinate has been removed and replaced with an updated colorable version in red.






Nice job, as always!!