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I just finished a private commission. I have one more commission to go for a non-patron. I am currently working on Kim Jiyum, but will be absent from everything for the weekend.
After this, I'll be on the line for this months captains.

I have a lot to do for next month, juggling between patreon and commissions is getting tough.
Putting more work into a sea of work is just more work.

If I had half the speed as GalaxyExpress, while maintaining my usual quality, I'm sure everyone would be happy.

Next Month
I'll be changing the schedule up a bit for next month only and doing Commission -> Commission -> Patreon. -> Comission -> Commission -> Patreon

What Does This Mean for Busons and under?
Since I'll be prioritizing captains, bosuns and under may get less mods for the month.I will think of something as compensation for patrons.
Two or three public mods per month is the ideal.

Currently, I'm thinking that, if I fail to meet certain quotas, I'll release one of my mods from my private collection, which are mostly the Saber series of armors.

Only one captain has been allowing his mod to be released for public. Bless you my man!

Like with the last couple of months. The next poll will be reset for the month.
New items of my choice catalog will populate it as a test of sorts. I will not be accepting new poll submissions for this poll, but will for the one after.

The next round of mods will be from Dead or Alive, but it'll be from one of the dlc sets.

Vote for the set here: https://www.strawpoll.me/16328785

Studio Mods as Consolation
Holding that idea for now. Schedule won't allow it.

Keep an eye out on the weekend if I make edits to this post. I won't be available for the weekends, but might be able to check during the dead hours of night.


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